Monday, December 11, 2017

A Blogging Buddies post -

In April of 2017, I signed up for a Blogging Challenge through ISTE EdTech Coaches PLN. Originally, I saw a post on Twitter and thought that I could handle joining the challenge. I needed to spread my wings and experience the world through blogging. The best thing about being involved in this challenge is the number of new contacts I have made in my PLN. Plus, I now have numerous blogs that I can access and read about the daily struggles or accomplishments in educational technology. 

One blog recently caught my attention - one of my fellow bloggers Mr. Adam Hill, has a post that helps clear the air regarding technology in the classroom, check it out here:My Advice for Technophobic Teachers. I feel that his insight in using technology in the classroom is spot-on. He helps break down information and makes the task of implementing technology easier. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

It's a Sprightly Christmas

It's a Sprightly Christmas

Adventures in Hyperdocs

2017 Christmas Countdown

Well, it is that time again... we are quickly approaching Christmas break and our annual Christmas countdown is ready to go. This year we are focusing on hyperdocs. We will be providing information each day regarding tips on creating hyperdocs and examples of hyperdocs. We will close out the countdown with resources and people to follow. Check it out at 2017 Sprightly Christmas. We hope you enjoy and Merry Christmas!